

Faculty of Education

Telephone number +90 392 671 11 11
Extension 2726
Office GE214
Other information


  • CIU Guidance and Psychological Counselling (Master, 2013)
  • EMU Guidance and Psychological Counselling (Undergraduate, 2010)
  • CIU Guidance and Psychological Counselling (PhD, )

Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings

  • Türkoğlu-Mutlu, Z. & Fidan, S. (2022) Metaphorical Perceptions of Teachers Working in TRNC on the Concept of "Mental Health". International Congress on Education 2022(ERPA) 2022, Nicosia, TRNC. - 2022
  • Fidan, S., & Yüksel, G. (2021) The Examination of Accculturation Stress Levels of Immigrants in Terms of Various Variables. International Migration Studies Congress (ICOMIR) 2021, Ankara. - 2021
  • Alasya, M, Fidan, S. & Silman, F. (05-07 Kasım, 2015). Fakülte Üyelerinin Örgüt Kimliklerine Yönelik Görüşleri. VI Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Forumu, Lefkoşa. - 2015
  • Bulut Serin, N., Aysan, F. & Fidan, S.( 23-25 November, 2011). Investıgatıon of Unıversıty Students Attachment Styles In Terms of Some Socıo-Demographıc Characterıstıcs. New Trends on Global Education Conference 2011 (GEC'11), North Cyprus. - 2011
  • Fidan, S., & Alasya-Aydın, M. Evaluation of immigrants’ problems and expectations:Northern Cyprus Case, 2018 Skopje, Macedonia.

Articles published in National journals

  • Alasya, M, Fidan, S. & Silman, F. (2016). KKTC'de Bir Devlet Bir Özel Üniversitenin Eğitim Fakültesinin Örgüt Kimliklerine Yönelik Fakülte Üyelerinin Görüşleri. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6 (1), 193-208. - 2016
Research Areas
Administrative Duties
  • Faculty Course Coordinator (2010-ONGOING)