Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
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U.N. Sustaınable Development Goals
- EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY Architecture (Undergraduate, 2001)
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Bölünmüş Bir Kentin Kamusal Mekân Pratikleri: Lefkoşa Surlariçi - 2023
- Çizgen, G., Özgece, N., Özaltıner, S., İlter, S. “Pandeminin ve Kriz Koşullarının Eğitim Alanına Etkileri - Zorunluluk Karşısında Ve Çağın Gereği Uzaktan Eğitim”, VI. Mimarlık ve Eğitim Kurultayı – Mimarlık Eğitiminde ve Pratiğinde Değişim ve Dayanışma, 11 Kasım 2021, Lefkoşa. - 2021
- Aktaç, T., Özgece, N., Taluğ, M., Hoşkara, E., Sevinç, H., Şengezer, O., Özsoy, E., Ersever, A., 'Meslek Pratiği Ve Mesleğe Kabul Süreci', Mimarlık,Meslek Pratiği ve Denetimi, III. Mimarlık ve Eğitim Kurultayı ' Mimarlık Eğitim ve Meslek Alanında Bütünleşme ve Dayanışma, 31 Ocak 2014, Lefkoşa. - 2014
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Past, present and future of urban morphology research in Cyprus - 2023
- Edgü, E., Taluğ, M., Özgece, N., 'Divided shopping: A syntactic approach to consumer behaviour', A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 12 (3), 175-188, 2015, İstanbul. - 2015
Other Publications
- Özgece, N. “OTORİTE MEKÂNINDAN DEVRİMCİ SAHNEYE DÖNÜŞEN MEYDANLAR: İnönü Meydanı’nın sosyo-politik dönüşümü*”, Mimarca Journal, UCTCEA – Journal of Chamber of Architects, Issue: 89, pp.48-55, SÖYLEM Ajans ve Basım Hizmetleri, Nicosia, 2020. - 2020
- Özgece, N. “Kıbrıslı, Akdenizli ve Dünyalı Bir Meslektaşımız... Prof. Dr. Fatih Rıfkı ile ‘Akdenizli Olmak, Akdeniz’de Olmak’”, Mimarca Journal, UCTCEA – Journal of Chamber of Architects, Issue: 87, pp.42-47, SÖYLEM Ajans ve Basım Hizmetleri, Lefkoşa, 2019. - 2019
- Özgece, N., “Kamusal Avlu olarak Büyük Han”, Havadis Newspaper / Poli – issue: 379, pp.48-51, March 2018. - 2018
- Özgece, N., “Bölünmüş Kent - Bölünmüş Alışveriş”, Havadis Newspaper / Poli – issue: 380, pp.48-49, April 2018. - 2018
- Özgece, N., “Çocukların Dış Mekan Algısı ve Deneyimleri: Lefkoşa Sur-içi’nde Çocuk Olmak”, Havadis Newspaper / Poli – issue: 381, pp.48-51, May 2018. - 2018
- Özgece, N., “19. Yüzyılda Doğu Akdeniz Liman Kentleri”, Havadis Newspaper / Poli – issue: 384, pp.50-53, August 2018. - 2018
- Shotorbani, M. P. & Özgece, N. “Lefkoşa’da Kamusal Mekanların Sosyo-Politik Dönüşümü: Girne Caddesi – Ledra Caddesi Aksı”, Mimarca Journal, UCTCEA – Journal of Chamber of Architects, Issue: 85, pp.120-134, SÖYLEM Ajans ve Basım Hizmetleri, Lefkoşa, 2018. - 2018
- Özgece, N., “İki nesil Lefkoşa sohbetleri”, Havadis Newspaper / Poli – issue: 362, pp.10-11, 17 September 2017. - 2017
- Özgece, N., Kaç tane Lefkoşa var?, Havadis Gazetesi / Poli sayı: 289, s. 4-5, 26 Haziran 2016. - 2016
- Özgece, N., Kent ' Kimlik ' Mimarlık, Havadis Gazetesi / Poli sayı: 290, s. 8-9, 3 Temmuz 2016. - 2016
- Özgece, N., Hayat Sokaklarda!, Havadis Gazetesi / Poli sayı: 297, s. 12-13, 21 Ağustos 2016. - 2016
- Özgece, N., 'Kent Meydanlarinin Sosyo-Politik Dönüşümü: İnönü Meydanı', Havadis Gazetesi / Poli ' sayı: 257, s.12-13, 15 Kasım 2015. - 2015
- Özgece, N., & Taluğ, M. 'Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi ' Mimarlık Bölümü', Mimarca, KTMMOB ' Mimarlar Odası Dergisi, s.58-59, Publica Medya, Lefkoşa, 2008. - 2008
- Hoskara S., Doratli N., " Selected Bibliography on Urban Conservation / Kentsel Koruma Üzerine Seçme Kaynakça ", printed by UCTEA - Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Archıtects / TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Yayını, Ankara, 2004. (graduate student working team for literature search, gathering references and publication process: N. Mulladayılar(Özgece), M. S. Abbasoğlu, B. Oktay, Ö.Sener & A. Özgürün) - 2004
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Özgece, N., Edgü, E. & Ayıran, N. “Assessing Imageability of Port Cities Through the Visibility of Public Spaces: The Cases of Famagusta and Limassol”, Space and Culture (Article first published online: July 23, 2020). - 2020
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Edgü, E., Cömert, Z. N. & Özgece, N., “Morphological analysis of frontier villages in Cyprus”, 24th ISUF International Conference ǀ 27-29 September 2017 Valencia, Spain. - 2017
- Cömert, Z. N. & Özgece, N., 'Delimitation of Morphological Regions of Famagusta Old Town', Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective, 2016, Ankara ' Turkey. - 2016
- Özgece, N., Edgü, E., Taluğ, M., 'Exploring children's perceptions and experiences of outdoor spaces', Proceedings of 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, pp. 125:1-125:14, Space Syntax Laboratory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, 2015, London ' United Kingdom. - 2015
- Özgece, N., Edgü, E., Taluğ, M., 'Exploring children's perceptions and experiences of outdoor spaces', Proceedings of 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, pp. 125:1-125:14, Space Syntax Laboratory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, 2015, London ' United Kingdom. - 2015
- Özgece, N., Edgü, E. 'Syntactic Comparison of Cyprus Port Cities: Famagusta and Limassol', Proceedings of Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium, pp. 042:1-042:10, Sejong University Press 2013, Seoul - Korea. - 2013
- Özgece, N., Edgü, E. 'Syntactic Comparison of Cyprus Port Cities: Famagusta and Limassol', Proceedings of Ninth International Space Syntax Symposium, pp. 042:1-042:10, Sejong University Press 2013, Seoul - Korea. - 2013
- Yıldız, D., Özgece, N., Taluğ, M., 'Regeneration of a Traditional Residential Area: Samanbahçe Social Housing in the Walled City of Nicosia', LIVENARCH IV proceedings, Volume III, pp: 1067-1082, 9-11 Temmuz 2009, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi-Trabzon, VİZYON Printing Center, İstanbul-Türkiye. - 2009
- Dener, A., Kırşan. Ç., Özgece, N., 'The Divided City Lefkoşa', Workshop on Cyprus and Divided Societies, Queen's University Belfast, 20-21 May 2008, Belfast-North Ireland. - 2008
- Dener, A., Kırşan. Ç., Özgece, N., 'The Divided City Lefkoşa', Workshop on Cyprus and Divided Societies, Queen's University Belfast, 20-21 May 2008, Belfast-North Ireland. - 2008
- Doratlı, N., Önal, Ş., Numan, İ., Mulladayılar(Özgece), N., Abbasoğlu, M. S., 'Revitalizing a Declining Residential Area- Samanbahçe- in the Walled City of Nicosia', Proceedings of Second International Symposium of IAPS- CSBE Network on Traditional Environments in a New Millennium- Defining Principles and Professional Practice, pp. 409-415, Nokta Ofset, Ankara-Turkey, 2002. - 2002
- Doratlı, N., Önal, Ş., Numan, İ., Mulladayılar(Özgece), N., Abbasoğlu, M. S., 'Revitalizing a Declining Residential Area- Samanbahçe- in the Walled City of Nicosia', Proceedings of Second International Symposium of IAPS- CSBE Network on Traditional Environments in a New Millennium- Defining Principles and Professional Practice, pp. 409-415, Nokta Ofset, Ankara-Turkey, 2002. - 2002
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Özgece, N., 'Neighbourhood Concept and Built Environment Relations ' A Case Study of Three Neighbourhoods in Gazimağusa, Northern Cyprus', LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013. - 2013
- Mix Use (Shop & House) Building Design in Kyrenia, 2014. Owner: Salim Aker & Fatma Aker
- Haspolat High School, Landscape Project, 2013 (on behalf of CIU).
- Renovation Project for Geçitkale Cumhuriyet Lisesi Conference Hall, 2013 (on behalf of CIU).
- Cafeteria Project for Geçitkale Cumhuriyet Lisesi, 2013 (on behalf of CIU).
- Apartment type house design project in Lefkoşa,2010. owner: Mustafa Aniz
- Landscape design project for CIU campus, 2008.
- Interior design of CIU dormitories, 2008.
- Restaurant and house design project in Hamitköy, 2008. Owner: Harbil Dağcın
- House (villa) design project in Lapta, 2008. Owner: Yusuf Mulladayılar
- House (villa) design project in Lefke, 2007. Owner: Şenil Hubeyli
- Apartment and Shopping Project Designed (Draft Drawings) in Cihangir, 2007, Owner: Gürçağ Özgürer
- Interior House Project Designed in Küçükkaymaklı, 2006. Owner: Pınar-Cemal Cemaylar
- Interior House Project Designed in Göçmenköy, 2006. Owner: Gülin-Tevfik Yürür
- Housing Project Designed in Taskent (with Meray Taluğ and Çağdaş E. Özgece), 2006. Owner: Mehmet Ali Tayfunsel
- Interior House Project Designed in Küçükkaymaklı, 2005. Owner: Ayşe-Yusuf Mulladayılar
- Apartment Project Designed (Design & Construction) in Küçükkaymaklı, 2006. Owner: Ayşe-Yusuf Mulladayılar
- Housing Project Designed in Metehan (with Meray Taluğ and Çağdaş E. Özgece), 2005. Owner: Zehra-Salih Serçelik
- House (villa) design project in Taskent (with Meray Taluğ), 2004. Owner: Yıldıray Sedef
- Mass Housing Project Designed (Draft Drawings) in Karmi (with Meray Taluğ), 2004. Owner: Vusay Estate Agency
- “Architectural Space Description” Composition Competition (2019), Second Place: “HÂLÂ AİDİYET HİSSEDİYOR MUYUM? EVET!” (2020)
Research Areas
- architecture, urban design, urban morphology, urban sociology, socio-spatial pattern, human-environment interaction, urban public spaces, socio-political structure of urban spaces, space syntax.
Administrative Duties
- Faculty Course Coordinator (2007-2009)
- Student Registration Advisor (2007-2009)
- Architecture - Interior Architecture Student Club Advisor (2008-2011)
- Rector's Course Coordinator (2009-2021)
- Architecture Department Coordinator (2016-2021)
- Rector'sCoordinator (2021-2023)
- UltrAslan UNI CIU Student Club Advisor (2021-ONGOING)